Thursday, March 6, 2008

How can this happen?

Daniel Gross, a senior citizen from New York, took a drive to Connecticut and found himself in the worst nightmare of his life.

See also: Connecticut Conservatorship


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dee King, for all of your efforts on behalf of your father and guradianship abuse victims everywhere. Your father reminds me so much of my own (dcsc.). That he was so clear-minded and intelligent, yet found himself unable to exercise authority over his life, speaks to me of problems involved with legal documents that assign authority to personal representatives. The documents are "soft", easily converted for fraudulent use. Having only watched a video of your father, I love him, anyway. He was trusting.

Bill Baldwin said...

Thanks for the story. My family too is a victim of CT's probate system's flawed design. In my case, it's my elderly sister who was born with a traumatic brain injury.

NASGA said...

Bill Baldwin, we hope you'll consider joining NASGA:
and also telling your story. Every profile on our Victims page makes the need for reform more undeniable:

We are sorry for what's happened to your sister. Unfortunately, the only group of people less protected than the elderly, are the young adults with disability(ies).