Monday, December 29, 2008

The Issue: Elder Abuse

According to the California attorney general's office, elder abuse is one of the largest growing crimes and is one of the most under-reported.

Peggy L. Osborn, with the attorney general's office, Bureau of MediCal Fraud and Elder Abuse: "The true scope of elder abuse is not truly known, it is estimated that one of every 20 seniors is a victim of neglect or physical, psychological or financial abuse."

Every year, an estimated 2.1 million older Americans are victims of those or other forms of abuse and neglect, according to information offered by the American Psychological Association.

Scam Alert: Seniors face many threats


Anonymous said...

But does the CA AG help victims of conservatorship abuse?

Do they even see the crime?

Anonymous said...

I believe the true scope is known, but they're not telling.

Peggy L. Osborn should be looking at conservatorship abuse and adding that to her list.