Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Believed

Before rescuing my parent from an abusive guardianship...

I believed that people involved in elder issues were basically good.

I believed that the written law was always followed by those claiming to help the elderly and always upheld with honor.

I believed that the system would hold accountable any person or agency that abused, neglected or exploited an elderly.

I believed that a guardianship was a last resort designed to protect people and only for their best interest.

I now believe that I believed a pack of lies.


wisernow said...

I believe this article could have been written by me.

I believe you are 100% correct in your analysis.

Thank you for your honesty, for sharing your innermost thoughts and beliefs before guardianship showed you what it is about and what you believe now.

Lori View said...

When we get the greed factor out of guardianship, it may yet work again in the public interest.

Anonymous said...

Well said and also felt and understood by all victims whose core of being was shaken by guardianship abuse.

StandUp said...

This statement brings tears to my eyes.

Sue said...

Very well-written summary of impact of guardianship racket.

The results are the realization of the death of trust and belief in a system perceived and presented to society as fair and just.

Betty said...

This statement fits almost all guardianship victims. Not only do we suffer at the hands of "justice", but we find out justice is nothing more than an illusion.

It's like finding out there's no Santa Claus, but this knowledge actually hurts us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying it for all of us.