Sunday, August 29, 2010

Senior Magazine: How to Avoid Guardianship

There are certain things that you want to avoid in your life—such as the plague, an IRS audit, and an earthquake measuring 7.5 or better. You need to add one more thing to the list; a Texas Guardianship.

There are few legal proceedings that are more invasive, embarrassing, costly, and secretive than a Guardianship. There are also few courts where the judge, county employees and attorneys are more cozy than the Probate Court, which has jurisdiction over Guardianships. The problems with the Texas system could fill a very large book. You do not want to get into one if you can avoid it.

Luckily, there are a few precautions that you can take now that will make a guardianship less likely.

Full Article and Source:
How to Avoid Guardianship


Elaine said...

This is a great article about guardianships in general. It's important to know that it's not just happening in TX, it's happening everywhere.

When it comes down to it, no state is better or worse than another.

StandUp said...

I am glad to see an article like this in Senior Magazine!

Connie said...

I like the writer's style -- suggesting that there are ways to make guardianship LESS likely. That's exactly right. You can do everything right and still they can get you if they target you. But, still we need to take every step we can to protect ourselves if we can.

timlahrman said...

there is one simple and sure-fire way to avoid guardianship and that has been foretold of us long ago in history, and by William Shakespeare

".... kill all the lawyers...."

timlahrman said...

I should qualify my previous post here and say ....

Not all lawyers are bad. Having been in both buaisnees and the workings of a law practice I can tell you that there is good and bad in everything and every profession. There are many good lawyers, problem is, there are far too many victims for the few good lawyers.

Anonymous said...

In response to Tim:

I don't hate ALL lawyers; just the bad guys -

And the good guys who let them operate!

timlahrman said...

good answer anonyomous